About LCMS
Long County Middle School will provide a quality education for every student within a safe and effective learning environment led by supportive and highly qualified professionals.
We Are a Community of Learners Preparing for College and Careers.
Long County Middle School serves children in grades 6 - 8.
We believe the underlying principle of our educational system is the fostering of an understanding of the democratic way of life. Education and democracy complement one another; hence, the operation of our system, schools, and classrooms should reflect a democratic way of living.
We further believe that the purpose of Long County Middle School is to provide the opportunity for each individual to discover his or her own personal strengths and weaknesses, to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to be a productive and accountable member of society, and to assist in the examination and development of personal values.
We believe that Long County Middle School should seek to prepare each individual to live as a responsible, fulfilled member of our constantly changing world.
We believe that education should be an involvement in life itself. Education is active and should be related to the needs and interests of the student. The educational system should reflect the society of today and also prepare students for the future.
We recognize the individuality of students and staff at Long County Middle School but believe balance must be achieved and maintained between personal and cultural expectations. This includes providing an integrated curriculum which will enable individuals to be balanced, tolerant, and well-adjusted citizens within their physical, social, and spiritual environments.
Realizing the comprehensiveness of our philosophy, we actively seek the cooperation of the home and our total community in achieving our goals.
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